Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sleep...who needs it?!?

...I sure do! And I can't even imagine how the sleep deprieved Laurie is feeling now too...crying...fussing...messy diapers...I still adore her anyway. Oh...and I'm talking about the baby there...not Laurie. :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

She's Arrived!

On September 11th 2006 at 12:24pm, our beautiful and healthy baby girl, Kiera Elizabeth Vagg, was born, weighting in at 6lbs 9oz and just a little over 20 inches long. Poor mom suffered through over 40 hours of labour before opting for the epideral...then within a couple hours, little Kiera decided to join the real world. Both Laurie's and my family are very excited.

More pictures can be found here on my Photobucket site:

Click it!

Enjoy...we certainly have been. :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

And it goes on and on and on...

No baby yet...Laurie thought her water had broke yesterday (at Cameron's soccer championships), so we headed off to the hospital. They checked her over and sent us home...turned out it was just normal fluid discharge. Baby's heartbeat was fine with an average of about 150, but only very slight dialation of the cervix. Her labour pains have been every 10 minutes since about yesterday afternoon-ish. The duration hasn't increased but she said the pain has been gradually getting worse. We are just trying to make arrangements now for the kids to be able to go to school tomorrow in case we have to go back to the hospital tonight or early in the morning. Her past labours were 30 hours and 25 hours, so this one looks like it's gonna be long too unfortunately.

So, doesn't look like I'll be going into work this week...gonna take some time off to help out Laurie once the baby arrives and to spend some time with our new arrival. :)